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Title of Book: __________________________________________________

Subtitle: _______________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________

(as it will appear on your book)

Home Address: __________________________ Home Phone: ___________




Business Address: __________________________ Bus. Phone: ___________




(Please indicate where you would like correspondence sent.)


Address: _____________________________

URL: _____________________________

Social Security No: ____________________

Present Occupation: _____________________________________________


Prior Occupation(s): _____________________________________________




Educational Background: _________________________________________




Honors, Citations or Prizes:






Fields of interest or study, including hobbies: _________________


Principal U.S. cities and states in which you have lived and approximate dates:




Principal foreign countries in which you have resided or travelled.

Please provide dates: ____________________________________________




Please list other books you have written with the American publisher's name, year of publication, and type of book (i.e., fiction, how-to, biography, etc.). If any of these books have been serialized, reprinted, published in foreign editions, adopted by book clubs or made into films, please specify: ________________







Please list magazines or periodicals to which you have been a contributor. Kindly give the approximate dates your articles appeared. Star if you are currently a contributor: ____________





Please write a few paragraphs on how you came to write this book, including any interesting experiences researching it or getting it published:




Please describe briefly the theme of your book and its scope:





Are there groups to which your book would have particular appeal?



What basic points in your book should be publicized? Please be specific (i.e., why is it unique; how does it differ from other books on the subject; what are its strengths?):



Please list books which cover a similar subject area that might be considered competition for your book, including any works in progress that you are aware of.



Are there any well-known people who should see an advance copy of your manuscript for purposes of giving a pre-publication promotional quote? These people do not have to know you personally, however, please star names of those who do. Please provide full names, address and their relationship to you and/or the book:




Please list any people you know personally who might directly give the book added publicity. Please give full names, addresses and their connection with the book:



Please list any people you know personally who might direct give the book added publicity. Please give full names, addresses and their connection with the book:




Please list any specialized media that should receive review copies of your finished book:




Please write a brief biographical sketch. Do not include any information that you do not want released.



Do you have any personal contacts at magazine, film companies or books clubs who might assist in exploiting subsidiary rights sales of you book? Kindly give full name, titles and addresses:




How you been interviewed by either the print or electronic media in connection with the subject matter of your book or any other subject? If yes, please provide press clippings.



Do you regularly attend any major conventions or conferences?




Please list any organizations, institutions, or associations that might be interested in either selling or publicizing your book. If you have contacts with any of these groups, please indicate the name and title of the person or persons with whom you have dealt.

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